First Home Automation products are released! PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 14 July 2011 07:32

Our first products for home automation have been released.
Now you can control any appliance at home securely using phone call or DTMF/IVR to your home PBX.

Products specifications:
1. WireLess Tele Controller (WLTC). Wireless module for IP01/IP02/IP04/IP08 PBX.
It allows remote devices to be controlled by the PBX


  • ZigBee
  • WLTC can coexist with FXS/FXO modules
  • IVR controllable appliance
  • Build in internal antenna
  • Covers 200m without obstacles to the remote wireless device
    or 3 concrete walls. (Adjustable power at the antenna)
  • Power saving MAC protocol.
  • 6LowPAN enabled.

Order WLTC

2. WireLess Remote Relay (WLRR). Remote wireless enabled unit able to control single low or high power appliance.

  • ZigBee
  • Mains pluggable, No installation required
  • IVR controllable appliance
  • Provides controllable mains socket (250VAC/16A)
  • Build in internal antenna
  • Covers 200m without obstacles to the WLTC
    or 3 concrete walls. (Adjustable power at the antenna)
  • Power saving MAC protocol.
  • 6LowPAN enabled.

Order WLRR

Details about setting it up can be found here